Tag Archives: bodysuit


Hey guyshow is your week coming along? Mine has been a IMG_201706161_051904[1]Pics by Bobo photography.

Hey guys,

How is your week coming along? Mine has been a cocktail of both good and bad. But am hoping for a good weekend.

Now onto this look. Its a cardinal rule (or so I think) that when you either chose to expose ’em boobs or thighs but never both. But then again, rules are there to be broken. So I broke this one this time. Thoughts anyone?IMG_201706161_051830[1]IMG_201706161_053320[1]IMG_201706162_091024[1]IMG_201706161_064042[1]

PS: We took these photos at night so some aren’t as clear.
PSS: Lets catch up on my social media @just_scovia on IG and like my page Just Scovia on Facebook.

Thank you for stopping by.
Love and love,

Mellow yellow

Happy new month,IMG_201705136_085443[1]

Pics by Bobo Photography


If your skin color gravitates to the dark skinned side then best believe yellow is the color for you on those days when you are in a mellow mood. See what I did there? No? Okay…

Wondering how to hack the bare back dress? Get you a backless bra with adhesives like I did. Since I got it,my life has never been the same lol!

I am all about  head wraps right about now. So expect more of that from me. Anyone know what we call a ‘kiondo'(the bag I have in the pics) in English? I ‘borrowed’ it from a friend but am thinking of getting one like this.

Fashion matters aside, lately I have been second guessing myself and why I do what I do especially blogging. Yesterday I even started bashing the content I have in store thinking its not good enough and that I should probably just go MIA lol! But then again I remembered its all about progress not perfection and that probably I am being too hard on myself. So long as my work inspires even a single soul, then am good really.

Do you guys,especially creatives go through this and how do you deal with the situation? Lets talk on the comment box. Also what you think about the outfit..

Love and love,






Khavesa shot it

Its finally Friday and only two days to my birthday.

Any plans you might ask? I do not think so. This week has been one rough one for me and I just want it over and done with. Hoping next week treats me better.

So now I can admit to the fact that my love for anything high waist and wide legged is not about to end anytime soon.  I am a thrift shopper for life haha  ok not really, until I am able to purchase locally designed pieces. But even so I still will not stop thrifting. I love the fact that I can style high end pieces with thrifted pieces to come up with classic looks. Anyway, I thrifted these pants at a price so low I almost wept. I am even ashamed to mention how much(hides face) Mind you they were brand new. I pay a lot of attention to quality and details while thrift shopping.

The top is a bodysuit. Yes.. I am about that bodysuit life right now until further notice! This outfit makes me want to visit the coast right about now but this Nairobi dust is all I am dealing with right now! See my life haha.img_201612353_100244




Thanks for stopping by,

As always,

Love and love,
